23rd September 2014
Alder King appointed to market strategic Taunton redevelopment site
Property consultants Alder King in Taunton have been appointed by Network Rail to market the freehold of Obridge Yard, a 7.99 acre site adjacent to Taunton railway station earmarked for residential and employment redevelopment.
The site, which includes a number of existing buildings totalling 19,045 sq ft, has been identified as a key focus for regeneration in the town centre.
The suggested development scheme for Obridge Yard is a new neighbourhood of mainly family-style housing with gardens providing up to 80 houses, mostly three bedroom terraces but with some two or four bedroom houses and sheltered housing or retirement apartments/care home on the site of the GWRSA Building. Alternatively this could provide a further 22 houses.
Directly to the north of the railway station buildings is a second small parcel of land which would be suitable for offices/employment use. All aspects of the suggested scheme would be subject to obtaining appropriate planning consent.
Alder King is inviting offers for this key site by way of informal tender before 5pm on Friday 7 November 2014.
Andrew Maynard, partner at Alder King’s Taunton office, said: “This is a highly strategic and visible redevelopment site adjacent to the railway station and within walking distance of the Firepool Regeneration Area and other residential developments..
“The successful development of this site will be and important pieces of the jigsaw in Taunton’s central area redevelopment.”
More information is available from Alder King in Taunton on 01823 444879.