Rockwell Green, Wellington, Somerset
- Client: Private Landowner & Gladman Developments
- Services Provided:
- Strategic Development Land • Residential Development
In June 2019, Alder King acted for private landowners and Gladman Land in the sale of a consented greenfield site at Rockwell Green on the edge of Wellington in Somerset. The 25.8 acre site was sold to national house builder Bovis Homes.
The site had been in agricultural use for many years. Working closely with the landowner over a period of several years, Alder King negotiated a promotion agreement with Gladman Land, one of the UK’s most successful land promoters. This agreement allowed the landowner to maximise the value of the land by gaining planning permission for residential development on the site without exposing them to the costs and risks involved in securing that permission.
Gladman submitted a planning application to Somerset District Council and was granted planning permission at appeal in 2018 for up to 230 dwellings and a 60 bed C2 care unit on the site. The permission also included public open space, landscaping, a sustainable drainage system and vehicular access. 25% of the new homes were to be affordable housing.
With planning permission in place, Alder King gauged the timing was right to offer the site to the market. Alder King carefully analysed the bids received to ensure the sale proceeded with the most credible purchaser ensuring a satisfactory conclusion.
Bovis will commence construction on the housing development in the next few months.