Solar Park Developments
- Client: Various solar operators
- Services Provided:
- Planning Consultancy • Energy
Alder King Planning Consultants were appointed by various solar operators to provide planning advice and services in respect of approximately 100 sites throughout the South West and Wales.
We initially prepared appraisal reports and for sites selected, our role involves the coordination of a multi-disciplinary team of consultants (notably landscape and visual impact, ecology, flood risk and archaeology/heritage), submission of EIA Screening requests and management of pre-application consultation and the planning application process.
Despite the programme being prematurely curtailed following changes to the Feed-in Tariff rates by the government, Alder King obtained planning permission for five schemes generating a total of 20MWh, all of which are being implemented.
Since mid-2012 (under the ROC scheme) a further eight permissions have been secured, including one at appeal, and we continue to advise on discharge of conditions, scheme variations and due diligence matters.