6th September 2021
Companies expand into Queen Square House
Two new tenants have signed up for space in Queen Square House in one of Bristol’s most sought after locations, after outgrowing their serviced accommodation.
French engineering company Fortil UK and Silver Fox Legal have agreed deals with the landlord Cordatus Real Estate.
The companies have taken new five year leases on suites of 1,000 sq ft and 650 sq ft respectively.
Property agents Alder King and Cushman & Wakefield negotiated the deals.
Tom Dugay of Alder King said: “It’s always satisfying to see companies expanding out of serviced accommodation into their first leased space, but particularly so at the moment.
“Bristol’s office market is performing well, with strong take-up in the first half of the year. The prospects for the second half also look positive, with several sizeable transactions in the pipeline.
“Queen Square House is a highly prestigious office building and, with its richly decorated façade, is instantly recognisable. The available suites have all been recently refurbished and offer good quality open plan workspace, making them a very attractive option to companies.”
Event management company GDS International, which at circa 15,000 sq ft is the principal occupier within the building, has recently taken an additional 2,500 sq ft suite in the building.
Other occupiers in the building include a mix of professional services firms in the legal and engineering sectors.
Alder King and CSquared are joint agents on the remaining space.