20th January 2016
Outline residential planning consent for University of Bristol’s Pudding Pie Lane site
Alder King Planning Consultants have secured outline planning permission for the residential development of a 12 acre site on Pudding Pie Lane in Langford, south of Bristol on behalf of the University of Bristol.
Following positive negotiations with planning officers at North Somerset Council leading to a recommendation for approval, Alder King successfully secured a committee resolution to approve the development of up to 141 dwellings. The scheme also included land safeguarded for community uses, highway improvements and other associated infrastructure.
Although not technically constrained, the site comprises greenfield land, located outside of the settlement boundary. The planning officers were satisfied that landscape, drainage, highways and the effect on the local community had been adequately addressed within the technical documents accompanying the application.
Matthew Halstead, Partner at Alder King said: “We’re delighted with the outcome of this application on behalf of the University. The proposal represents sustainable development and will provide much-needed new housing stock for the local community.”