1st December 2015
Planning consent for new care home and country park in Titchfield, Hampshire
Alder King Planning Consultants have successfully obtained planning permission on behalf of Minton Healthcare (Titchfield) Ltd for the development of a care village and country park on a greenfield site near Titchfield, Hampshire.
The development proposals comprised the erection of 86 extra care units and associated infrastructure, along with the change of use of adjacent land to create a 15.4 hectare country park.
There were a number of constraints affecting the site which required careful consideration when developing a suitable scheme. Notably the site is located outside the settlement boundary, in a ‘Strategic Gap’ and conservation area. It is also within the setting of a Grade I listed building and Titchfield Abbey scheduled ancient monument. There were also transport and ecological issues to consider as well as public footpaths which cross and run adjacent to the site.
Despite these constraints the project team, led by Alder King, established a strong case for development based on the substantial need for additional extra care units in the area and significant community benefit that would be provided by the country park. The high quality design of the scheme was also a key consideration in allowing the proposals.