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Planning News December 2013

South Gloucestershire Council is commencing work on its Policies, Sites and Places Development Plan Document (PSPDPD). This new plan will provide policies and proposals in greater detail than the Core Strategy and will also supersede the remaining policies of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan. Amongst other things the plan will need to define town centre boundaries and allocate sites for new comparison floor space (non-food shopping) and also review the list of primary and secondary shopping frontages.

Application to designate Stowey Sutton Neighbourhood Area – an application for the designation of Stowey Sutton Parish as a neighbourhood area has been received from Stowey Sutton Parish Council. Please note this is a formal regulatory stage on the designation of the neighbourhood area and not consultation on the neighbourhood plan itself which may follow in due course. Comments can be made on the application until 5pm on Thursday 5th December 2013. Following this consultation period Bath & North East Somerset Council will consider the comments received in determining the application to ensure that the area is appropriate.

Cornwall Council has published its latest SHLAA report which shows the assessment of any sites submitted for consideration for development.

Caerphilly County Borough Council formally adopted its Local Development Plan in November 2010 and is currently looking to undertake work to review the LDP. As part of this process the Council is seeking to re-assess the development potential of sites within the Borough for a range of uses and are inviting people to submit sites they want to be considered for development. Any sites previously submitted will need to be resubmitted. The deadline for submitting sites is 6 March 2014.

Note: the above list may not be comprehensive. Any queries in relation to the above or in relation to any other LDF/SPD should be directed to Nicola Vines in our Planning team on 0117 317 1173

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