16th January 2019
Planning permission granted for greenfield residential development in Broadway, Somerset

Alder King Planning Consultants, acting on behalf of Freemantle Developments Limited, have secured a resolution to grant planning permission from South Somerset District Council for a 35 unit residential development on a greenfield site on the edge of Broadway in Somerset.
The outline application, with all matters reserved aside from access, follows extensive discussion and collaboration with statutory consultees and officers at the Council, including Broadway Parish Council, the Council’s independent highways consultant and Somerset County Council highways department.
This application follows a previous outline application for 46 dwellings which was withdrawn following concerns raised in regard to the scale of development, harm to the character and appearance of the area, harm to ecological interests, impact on trees, and highway and pedestrian safety issues. All these issues were overcome as part of the latest application.
Mark Cullen, principal planner at Alder King, commented: “As all other matters are reserved, we will now work up detailed plans for this rural development, taking into account the constraints and opportunities presented by the site, in particular ecology, arboriculture and highways.”
In his assessment, the District Council planning officer recommended the plan for approval, considering Broadway to be a sustainable settlement that benefits from a number of local services and facilities, including a primary school, doctor’s surgery, village hall and public house, thus meeting the criteria under Policy SS2 of the Local Plan for allowing development in rural settlements.