Advertising Sites Nationwide
- Client: Wildstone Group
- Services Provided:
- Advertising • Planning Consultancy
The Instruction
Alder King Planning Consultants have an ongoing contract with the Wildstone Group, an outdoor media infrastructure company, to gain advertisement consent for the installation of digital advertisement displays (D-Posters).
Our Approach
In an effort to declutter the landscape there has been a push towards digital advertisements. Digital advertisements (D-Posters) are able to mimic the appearance of typical paper and paste poster displays.
Operated from central control centres, D-Posters are able to display multiple advertisements on rotation, negating the need for regular re-posting visits. The signs are thinner than traditional paper and paste posterboards and capable of reactive illumination, ensuring that the display is never too bright for its local context.
Each site has its own nuances and complexities so with every submission a detailed application for advertisement consent is created to outline the proposal, highlight the benefits of D-Posters and
consider local and national planning policy. Appropriate planning conditions will be considered and proposed for each site to ensure that it assimilates into the site context appropriately.
Applications for D-Posters vary between like-for-like replacements of existing displays, renewing of previous permissions and brand new sites. Alder King Planning Consultants has dealt with over 200 applications and appeals across England, Wales and Scotland. Our understanding of the nuances between the differing legislation in Scotland compared to England & Wales ensures that we promote and negotiate cases appropriately.
Our experience spans all settings from commercial, to residential, including sites on listed buildings and in conservation areas.
Throughout the planning process, every effort is made to address consultee comments through appropriate conditions, within the parameters allowed by the relevant legislation. Controls over luminance levels and operational hours can help to offset concerns over amenity and public safety. Our commercial approach minimises onerous conditions that may impact viability of sites.