17th February 2014
Planning News February 2014
Cardiff Council is currently consulting on its ‘Alternative Sites Register’ which identifies those alternative sites submitted at the Deposit Plan consultation stage, including suggestions for new sites and amendments or deletions of allocations within the Deposit LDP. Consultation on these changes runs until 25 March 2014.
Eastleigh Borough Council is currently consulting on its Revised Pre-submission Eastleigh Borough Local Plan. The deadline for comments is 24 March 2014.
Mid Devon District Council is undertaking a second consultation on the new Local Plan. The Council is considering options for planning strategy and potential development sites. The deadline for responses is 24 March 2014.
Wiltshire Council is consulting on its Community Infrastructure Levy Draft Charging Schedule until 24 February 2014.
South Gloucestershire Council is undertaking public consultation on its Draft Renewables SPD and carrying out a review of the Landscape Character Assessment SPD. The deadline for comments is 7 March 2014.
South Gloucestershire Council is consulting on the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood SPD which shows in more detail how the Council considers the Core Strategy allocation for 5,700 dwellings and 50 ha of employment land. The deadline for comments is 28 February 2014.
Note: the above list may not be comprehensive. Any queries in relation to any of the above or in relation to any other LDF/SPD should be directed to Nicola Vines on 0117 317 1173