Alder King Planning Consultants, acting on behalf of Monmouthshire County Council, have secured a resolution to grant planning permission for a 45 dwelling residential development on an allocated greenfield site on the edge of the village of Raglan, Monmouthshire.
The outline application with all matters reserved follows extensive pre-application discussions with the County Council and members of the public. The site benefits from an allocation within the adopted Local Plan for 45 dwellings and is considered to be in a sustainable location with pedestrian links to the nearby village centre.
As all matters are reserved, the precise detail of the development has not yet been worked up and Alder King will now work with Monmouthshire County Council on the next stage. The illustrative masterplan presented to the planning committee showed how the different areas of the site could be developed in response to the constraints and opportunities presented by the site, in particular the areas at risk of flooding, and a riparian ecological corridor to the south of the proposed developable area.
The suite of technical reports submitted with the planning application confirmed there were no technical objections that should restrict development in this location and Monmouthshire County Council’s planning committee voted in favour of the officer’s recommendation for approval.