23rd February 2017
Rockhaven presses ahead with speculative industrial development
Construction is well advanced on a new speculative industrial scheme at Cabot Park in Avonmouth, Bristol. The development by Rockhaven Developments will deliver three new production/distribution buildings ranging from 12,500 sq ft to 37,500 sq ft.
Located next to the John Lewis RDC on Parkgate Road, the scheme will release much-needed new space into Bristol’s severely depleted industrial market. Practical completion is scheduled for July 2017 and the completed buildings will be offered to purchase or lease.
The Rockhaven scheme is one of three new developments now under construction in Greater Bristol which together will boost supply by a total of 250,000 sq ft. Alder King and GVA are agents.
Andrew Ridler, Alder King’s industrial/logistics partner, said: “With record take-up in 2016, industrial supply in Bristol is now at a 13 year low. The market is in urgent need of new stock. This scheme will go some way towards addressing this shortage, with Rockhaven’s decision to proceed demonstrating its confidence in the market and the quality of its product.”
Paul Hobbs of GVA added: “Avonmouth is a very buoyant location and has experienced significant demand for production and distribution space with the limited supply resulting in rent and capital values increasing.”
More information is available via http://www.alderking.com/property/90263/Units-A-and-C-Rockhaven.
Pictured above, left to right, are Emma Smith and Andrew Ridler of Alder King with Paul Hobbs of GVA.