2nd October 2017
South Gloucestershire: New M4 junction consultation underway
A formal public consultation process on whether to build a new motorway junction on the M4 to ease congestion in north east Bristol and improve access to key employment hubs is currently underway until 16th October 2017.
South Gloucestershire Council revealed two options for the location of the proposed junction 18a between junctions 18 and 19 of the M4 in July.
The Western route
This would use Westerleigh Road and the A4174 ring road adjacent to Lyde Green in Emersons Green. The junction would be located to the north west of Lyde Green. It would require some realignment to the M4 itself.
The Eastern route
This explores the potential for building a link road and junction to the north and west of Pucklechurch. There would be no need to realign the M4.
Subject to feasibility, funding and consent, the junction and link road would be built from 2025.
The public consultation closes on 16 October 2017. The results will help to inform the feasibility study report which will be published in March 2018.
To give your views, visit https://consultations.southglos.gov.uk/consult.ti/M4J18a/consultationHome
Major catalyst for economic growth
A new junction 18a on the M4 just north of Emersons Green would be a major catalyst for further economic growth in east Bristol, with the potential to open up 112 acres of development land.
North East Bristol has seen huge growth in recent years, with major residential developments at Emersons Green and Lyde Green. The Emersons Green Enterprise Area is home to a thriving business community including the Bristol & Bath Science Park and the highly acclaimed National Composites Centre.
Industrial partner Andrew Ridler says the case for the new junction is compelling.
“Investment in improved road infrastructure is essential if the Emersons Green Enterprise Area, with its strong focus on science, innovation, technology, added–value engineering, creative and digital media, is to realise its full potential.
“Access to the area’s existing business parks is a constraint to future growth and must be improved for the benefit of both existing and new businesses together with the growing residential population.
“There is significant pent-up demand for new industrial /distribution accommodation from existing occupiers and inward investors with the north eastern side of the city, particularly the ring road corridor, under-provided.
“Specialist industrial developer Chancerygate is actively targeting this market, having recently submitted a planning application for 107,000 sq ft in 11 buildings at Vertex Business Park at Emersons Green. It has also acquired a 6.6 acre former factory site in Warmley and is now preparing a planning application for 15 new units totalling 119,000 sq ft.
“Improved access to this strategically important location is essential for the future prosperity of those who live and work here.”