27th April 2017
Two new tenants for 2 Glass Wharf
Two new tenants have signed up for space at the £50 million 2 Glass Wharf office development at Temple Quay in Bristol.
Insurance specialist Markel UK and property asset manager MJ Mapp have agreed deals with landlord Salmon Harvester/NFUM.
The companies have taken new 10-year and five-year leases respectively on ground floor suites of 1,500 sq ft and 1,300 sq ft, paying between £28 and £29 per sq ft.
They join PwC, Arcadis Group and Foot Anstey at the property, which is located within the Temple Quay Enterprise Zone.
Rorie Henderson, director at Salmon Harvester, said: “These latest lettings to well-known tenants with strong covenants complement the existing line up at 2 Glass Wharf. We now have a floor and a half to let in a Bristol city centre starved of new Grade A offices and I hope to announce some further lettings and new record rental levels for Bristol very soon.”
Salmon Harvester is advised by Alder King and JLL. Markel UK was advised by Burston Cook and MJ Mapp was unrepresented.
HM Revenue & Customs signed a 25-year lease on a 107,000 sq ft pre-let in December 2016 for Salmon Harvester’s adjacent 3 Glass Wharf building. The new development is being funded by Legal & General.